Selected results: Academician Liu Zhongfan and his research team
QQ Academic Group: 1092348845



Boya Chair Professor of Peking University (2016.11.21), Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2011.12.10), Academician of Academy of Sciences of Developing Countries (2015.11). He graduated from Changchun University of Technology in 1983, studied in Japan in 1984, and obtained a doctorate from the University of Tokyo in 1990. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Tokyo and the National Institute of Molecular Science from 1991 to 1993. In June 1993, he returned to teach at Peking University and was promoted to professor in the same year. In 1993, he was funded by the first batch of National Education Committee Cross-century Excellent Talent Fund. In 1994, he was funded by the Outstanding Young Scientist Fund of the Fund Committee. In 1999, he was hired as the first batch of distinguished professors of the Yangtze River Scholars Award Scheme. Elected an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the first batch of outstanding talents in the "10,000 People Program" of the Organization Department in 2013, a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry in 2014, an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Developing Countries in 2015, and a member of the Chinese Academy of Micronanotechnology in 2016 In 2017, the Central Organization Department awarded the establishment of the 10,000-person plan "Scientist Studio" (2017.3). He is mainly engaged in the research of nano carbon materials, two-dimensional atomic crystal materials and nano chemistry. He has published more than 500 academic papers and has been authorized 30 Chinese invention patents. He has been the chief scientist of the National Climbing Plan (B), 973 plan, and the major nanometer research project, and the academic leader of the innovative research group of "Nanoengineering for Surface Interface" of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Phase III). In 1992, he won the "Research Award for the Memorial of Ariyama and Filial Piety" of the Japan-China Science and Technology Exchange Association, and the Outstanding Young Scholar Award of the Hong Kong Qiushi Science and Technology Foundation in 1997. Science and Technology Award Natural Science First Prize, 2008 National Natural Science Second Prize, Academician Yang Fuqing Wang Yangyuan Outstanding Teaching and Scientific Research Award, 2009 National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor, 2012 Chinese Academy of Chemistry-AkzoNobel Prize in Chemistry And Baosteel Outstanding Teacher Special Award. In 2016, it won the Lectureship Award of the Colloid and Interface Chemistry Annual Conference of the Japanese Chemical Society and the Founder Teacher Special Award of Peking University. Honorary Professor of the University of Wollongong, Honorary Professor of East China University of Science and Technology, Distinguished Visiting Professor of the Hong Kong Baptist University. Acting as the chief editor of the Journal of Physical Chemistry and the deputy editor of the Science Bulletin, Adv. Mater., Small, Nano Res., ChemNanoMat, Graphene Technology, APL Mater., NPG Asia Mater. , Natural Science Review, J. Photochem. Photobiol. C Phtotochem. Rev. and other international journal editors or advisory editors. The current president of the Beijing Graphene Research Institute, the chairman of the Zhongguancun Graphene Industry Alliance and the chairman of the expert committee, the director of the Beijing Graphene Science and Technology Innovation Special (2016-2025) Expert Committee, the chairman of the third committee of the Fengtai Science and Technology Association of Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park, Vice President of China Council for the Promotion of International Science and Technology, member of the Science and Technology Committee of the Ministry of Education, deputy director of the Academic Style Construction Committee, deputy director of the Department of International Cooperation, and director of the Nanoscience and Technology Research Center of Peking University. He is also an expert of the fourteenth expert review group of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, an executive director of the Chinese Chemical Society and a founding director of the Nanochemical Professional Committee, and an executive director of the Chinese Micron Nanotechnology Society. Delegate of the Twelfth National People‘s Congress, Deputy Director of the Thirteenth Central Committee of the Jiu San Society and Academician Working Committee, Member of the Expert Advisory Committee of the Beijing Municipal People‘s Government, and Beijing Municipal Commissioner of Jiu San Society.

Liu Zhongfan developed the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) growth methodology for low-dimensional carbon materials, established a series of growth methods to precisely control the structure of low-dimensional carbon materials such as carbon nanotubes and graphene, and invented carbon-based catalysts, binary alloy catalysts, etc. A new growth catalyst, a new "gas-solid" growth model of carbon nanotubes is proposed. For the first time, the concept of self-assembly of small organic molecules was extended to the field of quasi-one-dimensional carbon nanotubes, and a variety of chemical self-assembly methods were established to achieve the orderly assembly of carbon nanotubes on various solid surfaces and to develop carbon nanotubes. Chemistry and needle-point chemistry research methods based on scanning probe microscopy.

Research results:

1.J. Am. Chem. Soc .: Rapid growth of stress-free AlN on graphene / sapphire substrates

J. Am. Chem. Soc. Published the online article entitled " Fast Growth " published by Peking University Professor Liu Zhongfan‘s research group, Gao Peng‘s research group, and Li Jinmin‘s research group at the Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Wei Yujie‘s research group at the Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. of Strain-Free AlN on Graphene-Buffered Sapphire ". This work investigated the growth behavior of AlN on graphene-covered sapphire and the effect of graphene on AlN stress release and reduction of defect density. Studies have shown that the introduction of the graphene buffer layer can significantly reduce the nucleation density of AlN and reduce the density of defect structures due to the splicing of domain regions. At the same time, the insertion of graphene can also effectively release the stress caused by lattice mismatch and thermal mismatch between AlN and sapphire.

Original link: Fast Growth of Strain-Free AlN on Graphene-Buffered Sapphire , (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2018, 140 (38), pp 11935–11941, DOI: 10.1021 / jacs.8b03871 https: // pubs / doi / 10.1021 / jacs.8b03871)

2.Adv. Mater .: High-brightness blue LED based on graphene buffer layer

Academician Liu Zhongfan from Peking University‘s Nanochemistry Research Center team and the Semiconductor Lighting Center team from Researcher Li Jinmin of the Institute of Semiconductors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have proposed a new strategy for using graphene as a GaN growth buffer layer to achieve high-brightness LEDs. In this work, researchers used the CVD method to directly grow graphene on sapphire, avoiding the problem of pollution and damage during the graphene transfer process, and can be prepared on a large scale. The GaN film grown directly on graphene / sapphire has extremely low stress (0.16 GPa) and dislocation density (~ 10 8 × cm −2 ). Compared with the device obtained by traditional processes, the obtained blue LED has improved light output Up to 19.1%. It is worth emphasizing that growing a GaN film on graphene does not require a low-temperature buffer layer, which can save MOCVD growth time and is expected to further reduce costs. The achievement was published on Adv. Mater. Under the title " High-Brightness Blue Light-Emitting Diodes Enabled by a Directly Grown Graphene Buffer Layer " .

Literature link : High-Brightness Blue Light-Emitting Diodes Enabled by a Directly Grown Graphene Buffer Layer , (Advanced Materials, 2018, DOI: 10.1002 / adma.201801608)

3.J. Am. Chem. Soc .: New Discovery-New Transition from Graphene to Metal Carbide

Peking University ‘s Liu Zhongfan Academy of Sciences , Zhang Yanfeng researcher and Beijing Institute of Technology Liyuan Chang teacher ( co-corresponding author ), et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. Posted on an article about graphene and metal carbides, entitled " of Unique Transformation from Graphene to Carbide on Re (0001) Induced by Strong Carbon–Metal Interaction ”.

By scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and in situ-high temperature and low energy electron diffraction (LEED) characterization, the authors discovered for the first time that graphene grown on Re (0001) substrates will gradually transform into metal carbides after high temperature annealing. This transformation process mainly includes: the cracking of graphene and the bulk dissolution of carbon atoms under high temperature annealing; the segregation of carbon atoms during the cooling process to form carbides on the metal surface. This transition trend is completely opposite to the trend of graphene to metal carbide transition on the Group VIII transition metal substrate.

Literature link : Unique Transformation from Graphene to Carbide on Re (0001) Induced by Strong Carbon–Metal Interaction (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2017, DOI: 10.1021 / jacs.7b09755)

4.Adv. Mater .: Multi-stage structure graphene foam for efficient solar-thermal energy conversion

Academician Liu Zhongfan from Peking University, Professor Hailin Peng (Communications) and others reported a multi-stage structured graphene foam (hG foam) with continuous pores grown by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). Its structural feature is that a vertical graphene nanosheet array structure is constructed on a porous three-dimensional graphene foam skeleton. Optically, this structure maintains efficient light absorption and small reflection even at a small incident angle. This property is beneficial to the application of light and heat conversion materials in the real natural environment. As a light-to-heat conversion material, hG foam can achieve about 93.4% solar-to-thermal energy conversion efficiency. In addition, hG foam is suitable for portable light-to-heat conversion applications, such as sewage treatment and desalination, due to its excellent corrosion resistance and light weight. Among them, the solar steam conversion efficiency of seawater desalination applications exceeds 90%, which exceeds most of the existing light-to-heat conversion materials, and has good durability and cycle performance. Related results were published on Advanced Materials under the title " Hierarchical Graphene Foam for Efficient Omnidirectional Solar–Thermal Energy Conversion " .

Literature link : Hierarchical Graphene Foam for Efficient Omnidirectional Solar–Thermal Energy Conversion (Adv. Mater., 2017, DOI: 10.1002 / adma.201702590)

5. ACS Nano: Direct-CVD technology for trapping polysulfides in "Nepenthes" structure nitrogen-doped graphene

Peking University academician Liu Zhongfan joint professor miss operation, Suzhou University, Professor tension (co-author) design similar to the "Nepenthes" hierarchy of nitrogen-doped graphene (NHG) film as a promising polysulfide capture agent, and at the same time It has physical barrier and chemisorption on polysulfide. The co-first authors of the thesis are Dr. Li Qiutong, Ph.D. student Song Yingze, and Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen College doctoral student Xu Runzhang. Collaborators include Researcher Zou Xiaolong of Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute and Professor Mark Rümmeli of Suzhou University. NHG materials are produced by growing nitrogen-doped graphene using direct chemical vapor deposition (Direct-CVD) on a biomass diatomite template. NHG‘s delicate "Nepenthes" structure perfectly inherits biological templates that undergo a CVD reaction. This conformal graphene coating is retained after the template is removed. This bio-templated CVD method enables batch production and precise control of the doping concentration of NHG, which is different from the traditional liquid-phase stripping-based graphene material. Thanks to the high surface area, the porous structure and the rich nitrogen doping of the NHG material, the derived membranes show good polysulfide capture performance. In addition, the excellent conductivity of the CVD-grown NHG framework is conducive to accelerating thecatalytic conversion oflong-chain Li 2 S x to insoluble Li 2 S 2 / Li 2 S, providing an additional way to hinder polysulfide shuttles. This work proposes a bionics research strategy for designing fascinating barrier structures to achieve efficient polysulfide capture, enabling batteries to have good rate performance and long-cycle performance. Related research results werepublished under the title" Bio-Templating Growth of Nepenthes-Like N-Doped Graphene as Bifunctional Polysulfide Scavenger for Li-S Batteries "On the ACS Nano .

Literature link: " Bio-Templating Growth of Nepenthes-Like N-Doped Graphene as Bifunctional Polysulfide Scavenger for Li-S Batteries " (ACS Nano, 2018, DOI: 10.1021 / acsnano.8b05246)

6.Nature Communications: a new ultra-fast, high-sensitivity 2D infrared detector

Professor Peng Hailin from Peking University, and researcher Liu Kaihui (co-corresponding author) and others have jointly developed a new prototype near-infrared detector based on selenium bismuth oxide (Bi 2 O 2 Se) crystals. Selenium bismuth oxide is a type of two-dimensional semiconductor materials newly discovered by Peng Hailin‘s group and collaborators in recent years that have high electron mobility, suitable band gap, environmental stability, and batch preparation (Nature Nanotech. 2017, 12, 530; Nano Lett. 2017, 17, 3021; Adv. Mater. 2017, 29, 1704060). The crystalline compound is formed by alternately stacking bismuth oxide (Bi 2 O 2 ) and selenium layers, coupled with the presence of oxygen in the crystal lattice, which makes it quite stable in the air. The prototype photodetector developed on the basis of this crystalline material has an ultra-wide spectral response from visible light to 1700nm short-wave infrared region. At the same time, the device‘s sensitivity in the near-infrared second region can reach about 65A / W, showing that Excellent sensitivity. In addition, ultra-fast photocurrent dynamic scanning using femtosecond lasers shows that this detector has an ultrafast photocurrent response time of about 1 picosecond, further proving the prospect of two-dimensional crystals of selenium and bismuth oxide in infrared detection. On August 17, 2018, related results were published online in Nature Communications under the title " Ultrafast and highly sensitive infrared photodetectors based on two-dimensional oxyselenide crystals " .

文献链接:Ultrafast and highly sensitive infrared photodetectors based on two-dimensional oxyselenide crystals(Nat. Commun., 2018, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-05874-2)

7.Energ. Environ. Sci.:光热效应增强超级电容器电容

Peking University ‘s Liu Zhongfan Academy of Sciences and Beijing Institute of graphite ene of Wei Di researcher (Corporate Communication) first author Yi-fang, a common one for Ren Huaying, wearing a pleasant authors, who found that, in the light, due to the capacitive effect of light and heat, supercapacitors , Energy density and power density have been greatly improved. The supercapacitor uses a three-dimensional multi-stage structured graphene with full-spectrum high light absorption and high thermal conductivity as an electrode. Under the condition of 1 solar light (1 kW m -2 ), the supercapacitor‘s light absorption rate over the entire solar spectral range is> 92.88 %, Photothermal response time <200 s, surface temperature change is about 39 ° C. Under one solar light, the capacitance of the rubidium capacitor type supercapacitor is increased to about 1.5 times; the capacitance of the electric double layer type supercapacitor is increased to about 3.7 times. This work provides a new way for solar energy applications and provides new design ideas for the development of energy storage equipment. Related results were published in Energy & Environmental Science under the title " Solar thermal-driven capacitance enhancement of supercapacitors " .

Literature link: Solar thermal-driven capacitance enhancement of supercapacitors (Energy Environ. Sci., 2018, DOI: 10.1039 / C8EE01244J).

8.Adv. Mater .: Graphene precursor promotes rapid growth of graphene / h-BN vertical heterostructure and its application in OLEDs

From Liu Zhongfan academician and researcher Zhang Yanfeng Peking University , Tsinghua - Berkeley researcher Zou Xiaolong Shenzhen Institute (Corporate Communication) , who developed the Gr / h-BN vertical heterostructure rapid growth of the nickel-mao precursor for the Cu foil Promote pathway, which shows greatly improved synthesis efficiency (8-10 times faster) and crystalline quality of graphene (large single crystal domain up to ≈20 μm). The key advantage of its synthetic route is to use nickel atoms decomposed from nickel ion molecules as gaseous catalysts. According to the calculation of density functional theory, it can reduce the energy barrier of graphene growth and promote the decomposition of carbon sources.

Literature link: Nickelocene-Precursor-Facilitated Fast Growth of Graphene / h-BN Vertical Heterostructures and Its Applications in OLEDs (Adv. Mater., 2017, DOI: 10.1002 / adma.201701325)

9.Nano Lett .: Graphene grows vertically on silicon monoxide particles as a stable lithium-ion battery anode

Academician Liu Zhongfan from Peking University and Professor Peng Hailin (Communications) collaborated to propose a kind of vertical graphene-coated silicon monoxide particles (d-SiO @ vG), which can be used as a stable lithium-ion battery negative electrode with high specific capacity. Graphene grown vertically on the surface of silicon monoxide (SiO) particles by a chemical vapor deposition method can not only significantly enhance the electrical conductivity of the particles, but also provide a large number of transmission channels for lithium ions. The study found that even under high load (1.5 mg / cm 2 ), the obtained composite still has good stability (100 turns, 93% retention) and a capacity of up to 1600 mA h / g. This work was published in the journal Nano Letter on May 4th under the title " Vertical Graphene Growth on SiO Microparticles for Stable Lithium Ion Battery Anodes " .

Literature link: Vertical Graphene Growth on SiO Microparticles for Stable Lithium Ion Battery Anodes (Nano Lett., 2017, DOI: 10.1021 / acs.nanolett.7b00906)

Published review results:

1.Adv. Mater. Overview: CVD growth methods and mechanisms of graphene on traditional glass surfaces

Academician Liu Zhongfan (corresponding author) from Peking University and others published a review entitled " Direct CVD Growth of Graphene on Traditional Glass: Methods and Mechanisms " in the top journal Advanced Materials . Academician Liu‘s team hopes to provide you with a comprehensive guide to the technology of direct graphene growth on various commercial glass by CVD. This article starts with the basic process and challenges of graphene growth on glass. For high temperature resistant glass, such as quartz or sapphire glass, with a softening point exceeding 1000 ° C, the growth of graphene can be achieved through the non-catalytic thermal decomposition of carbon precursors at high temperatures. . For ordinary glass, such as soda-lime glass, whose softening point is much lower than the growth temperature of graphene, a molten bed CVD technology has been developed. In this case, it was found that the molten glass surface facilitates the rapid migration of carbon species, thus greatly increasing the growth rate of graphene. In order to improve the growth quality of "graphene on glass substrates, metal catalysts can be introduced to achieve high-quality graphene growth using metal catalysis. Plasma enhanced CVD (PECVD) technology can achieve graphene growth on glass substrates. Low-temperature growth. Finally, from the perspective of large-scale production of "super graphene glass", the challenges in future practical applications are discussed.

Literature link: Direct CVD Growth of Graphene on Traditional Glass: Methods and Mechanisms (Adv. Mater., 2018, DOI: 10.1002 / adma.201803639)

2.Chem. Rev. Overview: Graphene Preparation by Chemical Vapor Deposition-Ideal and RealGraphene is a new type of nano-carbon material with a unique two-dimensional honeycomb crystal structure and excellent electrical, thermal, optical, and mechanical properties. Performance, so it has broad application prospects in electronic devices, optical devices, sensor devices, electrochemical energy storage, composite materials, thermal and other fields. Since the discovery of graphene, its preparation technology has also attracted widespread attention in the academic community. Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) method is currently an effective method for preparing high-quality graphene films on a large scale. However, graphene films grown by CVD can produce defects, grain boundaries, wrinkles, and transfer processes during the preparation process. It also causes surface contamination and damage, which limits further applications. Recently, Academician Liu Zhongfan and Professor Peng Hailin from Peking University published a review article "Bridging the Gap between Reality and Ideal in Chemical Vapor Deposition Growth of Graphene" in the Journal of Chemical Reviews. The first author of this article is Dr. Lin Li. This is also the first review article published by the authoritative review journal Chemical Reviews on CVD graphene. This review mainly introduces the bonding and preparation history of carbon materials, the thermodynamic process and growth kinetics of graphene by CVD, and discusses the growth conditions on the size, morphology, defects, growth rate, number of layers and The impact of quality and the preparation methods of high-quality graphene materials are summarized. The future research on the preparation of high-quality graphene films is prospected.

Literature link: Bridging the Gap between Reality and Ideal in Chemical Vapor Deposition Growth of Graphene. (Chem. Rev. 118, 18, 9281-9343. DOI: 10.1021 / acs.chemrev.8b0032)

3.Adv. Mater. Overview: Large-scale preparation of CVD graphene films

Adv. Mater. Published a review article entitled " Toward Mass Production of CVD Graphene Films " published by Professor Peng Hailin and Academician Liu Zhongfan from Peking University , focusing on the research status and future development of large-scale production of graphene films based on CVD Direction . The first author of the thesis is Deng Bing, a PhD student at Peking University, and the corresponding authors are Professor Peng Hailin and Academician Liu Zhongfan. First, the basic principles of graphene preparation by CVD method are briefly introduced, and then the engineering principles controlling graphene quality are analyzed in detail, including the process, equipment, and key parameters. Finally, the large-area uniformity and rapid characterization methods of graphene films are discussed. . In addition, the review also pointed out the challenges facing large-scale production of graphene.

Literature link: Toward Mass Production of CVD Graphene Films (Adv. Mater. 2018, DOI: 10.1002 / adma.201800996)

4.Chem. Soc. Rev. Overview: Application of 2D MXenes in Energy Conversion and Storage System

Academician Liu Zhongfan , Peking University , Professor Mark H. Rummeli, Leibniz Institute of Solid Materials , Germany,Under the leadership of Professor Liu Hong‘s team (co-corresponding author) of Jinan University ,The cooperation between Shandong University , Suzhou University and the Polish Academy of Sciences has comprehensively summarized the latest progress of MXenes research. First review the structure types, morphologies and synthesis routes of MXenes. Then, the mechanical, electronic, optical and electrochemical properties of MXenes are reviewed. The focus then turned to their exciting potential in energy storage and conversion. Energy storage applications include electrodes in rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, lithium-sulfur batteries, and supercapacitors. In terms of energy conversion, the production of photocatalytic fuels, such as cracking water to produce hydrogen and reducing carbon dioxide, is introduced. In addition, the potential of MXenes for photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants (such as dye wastewater) in water and their prospects as catalysts for the synthesis of ammonia (using nitrogen as a raw material) were also discussed. Finally, their application potential is summarized, which provides an opportunity and possibility for the rising star MXenes materials to look into the future. Related results werepublished in Chem. Soc. Rev. under the title " Applications of 2D MXenes in energy conversion and storage systems " .

Literature link: Applications of 2D MXenes in energy conversion and storage systems (Chem. Soc. Rev., 2018, DOI: 10.1039 / C8CS00324F)

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