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Zhang Junji Angew, East China University of Science and Technology: The light-responsive hydrogel turns into a pipette!

source:beike new material Views:3913time:2020-12-02 QQ Academic Group: 1092348845

The use of nanotubes for single-cell in situ manipulation provides the possibility to clarify the internal processes of cells and may help improve the efficiency and precision of treatment. In view of this, researchers such as Zhang Junji of East China University of Science and Technology have developed a light-responsive hydrogel nanopipette for highly protective single-cell operation.

Highlights of this article

1) The researchers introduced a light-responsive hydrogel nanotube hybrid system that can achieve single-cell operation with high spatiotemporal resolution with negligible cell damage. This strategy overcomes the long-standing obstacles to the use of nanotubes to study single cells, because high voltage (about 1000 mV) or organic solvents have always been used in previous studies, and these will inevitably interfere with target cells. damage.

2) The light trigger system provides a voltage-free, non-invasive single cell injection method, which allows the cells to maintain a high survival rate (about 90%). Light-driven injection can achieve single-cell drug delivery with precise and controllable dosage. To verify this concept, the researchers found that the lethal dose of adriamycin injected into specific cells by this method was significantly reduced.

In summary, this study shows that the photosensitive hydrogel nanotube system can be used as a potential cell precision therapy strategy.


Zi-Yuan Li, et al. High-preservation Single-cell Operation through a Photo-responsive Hydrogel-Nanopipette System. Angewandte Chemie, 2020.

DOI: 10.1002/anie.202013011

Source of information: Fantastic Object Theory

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