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Xu Fujian/Hao Daifeng/Li Yang AFM: Engineered platelet-rich plasma double network hydrogel as a bioactive wound dressing has potential clinical transformation value

source:beike new material Views:3933time:2020-12-03 QQ Academic Group: 1092348845

Delayed wound healing has a profound impact on patients, healthcare, and society. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) gel, as a regenerative medicine preparation, has been proven to have clinical value in the treatment of various wounds. However, its application and efficacy are limited due to its poor mechanical properties and the subsequent burst effect. Therefore, Xu Fujian and Li Yang of Beijing University of Chemical Technology and Hao Daifeng of the First Affiliated Hospital of PLA General Hospital and others constructed an engineered PRP double network hydrogel based on sodium alginate (called DN-gel) through a simple “one-step” activation process. ).

Key points of this article:

1) Its improved gelling properties and sustained release of growth factors may be beneficial to clinical applications. Evaluations in rats indicate that DN gel promotes wound healing, including rapid re-epithelialization, up-regulation of growth factor levels, and early transitions in wound healing and angiogenesis phases.

2) As a proof of concept, DN gel also showed excellent healing efficiency in the pig wound model. These results demonstrate the great potential of transforming this hydrogel into a next-generation PRP-based bioactive wound dressing.


Zhang, X., et al., Engineering Platelet‐Rich Plasma Based Dual‐Network Hydrogel as a Bioactive Wound Dressing with Potential Clinical Translational Value. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 2009258.

Source of information: Fantastic Object Theory

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