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Multifunctional SiC@SiO₂ nanofibrous aerogels with ultra-broadband electromagnetic wave absorption

source:beike new material Views:2280time:2022-08-09 QQ Academic Group: 1092348845


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Ultra-light ceramic aerogels have the characteristics of low density, high porosity, large specific surface area, good thermal and chemical stability, etc., and have great applications in energy storage, catalysis, heat preservation, environmental protection, electromagnetic wave absorption and electromagnetic interference shielding. application potential. We fabricated three-dimensional (3D) porous, ultralight, and cross-linked SiC@SiOnanofibrous aerogels (SiC@SiOnanofibrous aerogels) using low-cost raw materials through a simple chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method and subsequent calcination process. NFA). The SiOnanolayer is coated on the surface of SiC nanofibers through an oxidation process, which not only optimizes the impedance matching of the ceramic aerogel, improves the microwave absorption performance, but also enhances its high temperature thermal stability. 

Multifunctional SiC@SiONanofiber Aerogel with Ultrabroadband Electromagnetic Wave Absorption


Limeng Song, Fan Zhang, Yongqiang Chen*, Li Guan, Yanqiu Zhu, Mao Chen, Hailong Wang, Budi Riza Putra, Rui Zhang*, Bingbing Fan*


Nano-Micro Letters (2022) 14: 152




Highlights of this article


1. In this paper, a multifunctional SiC@SiOceramic aerogel has been successfully prepared, which has superelasticity, fatigue resistance, high temperature thermal stability, thermal insulation performance and remarkable strain piezoresistive sensing performance.


2. SiC@SiOceramic aerogel exhibits excellent electromagnetic wave absorption performance, the minimum reflection loss value is -50.36 dB, and the maximum effective absorption bandwidth is 8.6 GHz.


brief introduction


Traditional ceramic materials are generally fragile, lack flexibility, and have high production costs, which seriously hinder their practical applications. Multifunctional nanofibrous ceramic aerogels are well suited for applications in extreme environments, however, integrating multiple functionalities into one material during their preparation remains extremely challenging. In order to solve this problem, the research group of Professor Zhang Rui and Associate Professor Fan Bingbing of Zhengzhou University fabricated a multifunctional SiC@SiOceramic aerogel (SiC@SiOceramic aerogel with 3D porous cross-linked structure) by a simple chemical vapor deposition method and subsequent calcination process. SiONFA). The as-prepared SiC@SiONFAs exhibit ultra-low density (~11 mg cm⁻3), superelasticity, fatigue resistance, fire resistance, high-temperature thermal stability, thermal insulation properties, and remarkable strain-dependent piezoresistive sensing behavior. In addition, the SiC@SiONFA exhibits excellent electromagnetic wave absorption performance with a minimum reflection loss (RLmin) value of -50.36 dB and a maximum effective absorption bandwidth (EABmax) of 8.6 GHz. The successful preparation of this multifunctional aerogel material provides a promising prospect for the design and fabrication of cutting-edge ceramic materials.

Graphical guide


Preparation mechanism, structure and composition characterization of I SiC@SiONFA

As shown in Fig. 1, SiC@SiONFAs were prepared by a simple CVD method and subsequent calcination treatment process, which was divided into five steps: (1) SiOand Si nanopowders as silicon sources, and CaCOand activated carbon hybrid particles as carbon The source, the materials were mixed and poured into a graphite crucible, and kept in a nitriding furnace filled with argon at 1500 ° C for 5 hours; (2) as the reaction progressed, SiC nucleated and grew into fibers on the surface of the graphite cover, forming 3D network; (3) After the reaction is completed, the SiC nanofibers form an aerogel with a certain thickness, which is labeled as SiC NFA; (4) The SiC NFA is cut into circular sheets with a diameter of 2 cm; (5) Finally, the The prepared samples were calcined at 1100 °C for 30 minutes in an air atmosphere, during which the surface of the SiC nanofibers was oxidized, and the resulting product was SiC@SiONFA. The SiC@SiONFA prepared by this method has a density of only ~11 mg cm⁻3 and a porosity of about 99.6%, which can stand stably on leaves (as shown in inset 6 in Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Preparation process of SiC@SiONFA. Step 1: Incubate at 1500°C for 5 hours in an argon atmosphere; Step 2: Self-assemble into a 3D highly porous aerogel; Step 3: Calcination in an air atmosphere at 700°C for 2 hours Separation of SiC NFA from the graphite cover; Step 4: Cut the aerogel into circular flakes with a diameter of 2 cm; Step 5: Oxidize SiC NFA in an air atmosphere at 1100 °C for 30 minutes to form stable cross-links, And the surface of each nanofiber is coated with SiO, which is marked as SiC@SiONFA; The prepared SiC@SiONFA has an ultra-low density (~11 mg·cm⁻3).


As shown in Fig. 2, the microstructure of SiC@SiONFA was characterized by SEM and TEM. It can be seen from the figure that after oxidation treatment, a SiC@SiOnanofiber structure with the inner core of SiC and the outer layer of SiOnanolayers is formed. The SiC@SiONFA is composed of cross-linked SiC@SiOnanofibers with a fiber diameter of 200-400 nm and a length of tens to hundreds of microns. In addition, the main constituent elements of SiC@SiONFA are C, Si, and O.

Figure 2. Microstructure of SiC@SiONFA. (a) SEM image of the wire-cluster cross-linked microstructure of SiC@SiONFA; (b) SEM image of the cross-linking of three cross-linked SiC@SiOnanofibers, and schematic diagram of SiC nanofibers coated with SiOnanolayers ( Inset b); (c) SiC@SiOnanofibers with smooth and rounded surfaces and the corresponding EDS spectra of the nanofibers (inset c), (df) EDS spectra corresponding to (c); (g) TEM image of the cross-section of SiC@SiOnanofibers with core-shell structure; (h) enlarged cross-section of SiC@SiOnanofibers; (i) boundary between SiC and SiO; (j-l) EDS spectra corresponding to h picture.


As shown in Figure 3, the XRD test results show that the prepared SiC@SiOcore is 3C-SiC, and the FTIR, Raman and XPS spectra show that SiOand SiC components exist in the SiC@SiONFA. In addition, TGA tests showed that the SiOnanolayer formed during the oxidation process can effectively slow down the rate of inward diffusion of oxygen in the nanofibers, thereby protecting the nanofibers from further oxidation. The BET specific surface area of SiC@SiONFA was determined to be 185.3 mg⁻1 and the mesopore pore size was 22 nm by Nadsorption/desorption isotherms and pore size distribution maps.

Figure 3. Crystal structure, thermal stability, pore structure and chemical composition analysis of SiC@SiONFA. (a) XRD pattern of SiC@SiONFA; (b) FTIR spectrum; (c) Raman spectrum and (d) TGA curve; (e) Nadsorption/desorption isotherms and corresponding adsorption pore size distribution (in e) Inset); (f) XPS total spectrum and (g) Si 2p, (h) C 1s, (i) O 1s XPS high-resolution spectra.


II Hyperelasticity of SiC@SiONFAs under Severe Temperature Changes

The elasticity of materials plays a key role in high-level electromagnetic wave absorption and piezoresistive sensing applications. At different temperatures (~25 °C, ~700 °C, ~ 40 °C and ~ 196 °C), after 1000 cycles, the SiC@SiONFA almost completely retained the original macroscopic shape with only a slight Permanent deformation. Furthermore, the Youngs modulus (E) of the aerogel at ~25 °C is about 41.17 kPa. The calculated specific elastic modulus (E/ρ) is about 3.74 kN m kg⁻1, which is significantly higher than that reported in other literatures (Fig. 4l). These results indicate that the as-prepared SiC@SiONFAs have excellent mechanical properties.

Figure 4. Superelasticity of SiC@SiONFA. (a) The SiC@SiONFA was placed in the flame of an alcohol burner (~ 700 °C) and immersed in liquid nitrogen (~ -196 °C), respectively; (b) The compression test of the SiC@SiONFA, which can be quickly recovered to Original shape; compressive stress-strain curves of SiC@SiONFA at (c)~25°C, (e)~700°C, (g)~-40°C and (i)~-196°C; Cyclic compressive stress-strain curves of SiC@SiONFA at (d)~25 °C, (f)~700 °C, (h)~ -40 °C and (j)~ -196 °C; (k) Maximum stress and Youngs modulus during compression test cycles; (l) Comparison of relative elastic moduli of SiC@SiONFA and other aerogels.

III Piezoresistive pressure sensor of SiC@SiONFA for monitoring human motion

The SiC core in SiC@SiOnanofibers is a semiconductor, and its resistance value changes accordingly with compressive deformation. Therefore, a piezoresistive pressure sensor based on SiC@SiONFA is fabricated. Due to the excellent compressive recovery and fatigue resistance of SiC@SiONFA, the resistance can be fully recovered to the initial value, exhibiting excellent strain-sensing reversibility at every stage. Furthermore, the change in relative resistance and the increase in compressive strain showed a clear linear relationship, resulting in a gage factor (GF = (ΔR/R)/ε) of 1.23. Therefore, the amount of human motion can be effectively detected according to the real-time change of the resistance to ensure the health of the human body. Figure 5f shows the schematic diagram of the SiC@SiONFA sensor for monitoring human motion and the mechanism of the piezoresistive sensing performance. In practical applications, pressure sensors can be used to detect human activity and tiny pressures, and then transmit this information to a mobile phone.

Figure 5. Strain and pressure sensing behavior of SiC@SiONFA. (a) ΔR/Rof SiC@SiONFAs, strains from 5% to 40% at a compression rate of 6 mm min⁻1; (b) compression rates of 6 mm min⁻1, under different compressive strains The real-time ΔR/Rcycling test of , ΔR/Rvaries linearly with strain (inset b, GF = 1.23); (c) ΔR/Rof SiC@SiONFA at different compression rates at 30% compressive strain; ( d) Stability test of the piezoresistive behavior of SiC@SiONFA under 1000 cycles at a compressive strain of 30% and a compression ratio of 6 mm min⁻1 (the inset is a partially enlarged curve); (e) in NaCl Real-time ΔR/Rresponse in the presence of aqueous solution (inset depicts the corresponding schematic for the NaCl aqueous solution droplet test); (f) SiC@SiONFA pressure sensor for detecting physical activity and micro-pressure.


IV for use as a super-insulation material at extreme temperatures


SiC@SiONFAs exhibit excellent chemical and thermal stability at extreme temperatures. Through ablation and thermal insulation tests, it is found that SiC@SiONFA has excellent ablation resistance and thermal insulation properties, and can be used as a potential high-performance thermal insulation material in the aerospace field. The thermal insulation mechanism mainly involves two aspects: (1) when heat is transferred in the 3D network structure of SiC@SiONFA, the limited contact surface between SiC@SiOnanofibers can effectively reduce the solid-phase heat conduction; (2) SiC@SiOnanofibers SiONFAs have a large number of mesoporous structures that can bind air molecules to reduce gas-phase thermal convection.

Figure 6. Ablation resistance, high and low temperature resistance, and thermal insulation properties of SiC@SiONFA. (a) Digital photo of SiC@SiONFA heated in alcohol flame; (b) thermal conductivity of SiC@SiONFA at different temperatures in argon atmosphere; (c) a petal placed on asbestos mesh for direct heating; (d) ) One petal placed on SiC@SiONFA for heating; (e) IR thermograms of SiC@SiONFA taken during heating on a heating platform and (g) during freezing on a cooling platform, (f, h) corresponding temperatures vs time; (i) Macroscopic schematic diagram of thermal insulation of SiC@SiONFA.

High absorption capacity and self-cleaning performance of V oil-modified SiC@SiONFAs


The pristine SiC@SiONFAs are superhydrophilic, and the hydrophilic SiC@SiONFAs can be converted into hydrophobic materials by the oil impregnation method on the aerogel surface. The oil-modified SiC@SiONFA showed excellent hydrophobic properties to aqueous solutions with different pH values, so self-cleaning and adsorption tests were carried out on it. The results showed that the oil-modified SiC@SiONFA could be used as an efficient Selective adsorption material. In addition, the excellent hydrophobicity of oil-modified SiC@SiONFA makes it a candidate material for high-performance electromagnetic wave absorption.

Figure 7. High absorption capacity and self-cleaning performance of oil-modified SiC@SiONFAs for organic liquids. (a-c) Digital photos and contact angles of the corresponding water droplets of oil-modified SiC@SiONFA at different pH values (~1, ~7, and ~14); (d-g) Self-cleaning process of oil-modified SiC@SiONFA ; (h-k) The process of oil-modified SiC@SiONFA absorbing methyl orange oil solution and subsequent combustion test: (l) Oil-modified SiC@SiONFA recyclability; (m) Oil-modified SiC The absorption capacity of @SiONFA for various organic liquids and the corresponding recyclability (n) of SiC@SiONFA.


Electromagnetic wave absorption properties of VI SiC@SiONFA


The reflection loss (RL) is an important index to evaluate the electromagnetic wave absorption performance of SiC@SiONFA, and its calculation formula is as follows:

As shown in Figure 8a, the EABmax of the SiC@SiONFA is 8.6 GHz, corresponding to a frequency range of 5.82-14.42 GHz, and the RLmin value of -50.36 dB corresponds to a frequency of 7.44 GHz and a thickness of 1.6 mm. Figure 8c shows |Zin/Z|

The dielectric polarization can be clearly revealed by off-axis electron holography, especially the potential orientation and charge density distribution can be intuitively and quantitatively characterized in specific interface regions. Figure 9a-d show the TEM images and corresponding charge density maps of the longitudinal section of SiC@SiO₂ nanofibers under stepwise amplification of the signal. It can be clearly observed that with the continuous amplification of the signal, the charges are concentrated at the SiC/SiO₂ and SiO₂/air interfaces, resulting in a strong interfacial polarization. Figure 9e-h shows the state of charge density distribution at the interface of SiC and SiO₂ in the cross-section of SiC@SiO₂ nanofibers. With the increase of signal intensity, an obvious local polarization field is formed, which will greatly consume the incident electromagnetic wave energy, Enhanced microwave absorption performance. Furthermore, it can be clearly observed from Fig. 9i that SiC and SiO₂ grow closely together, enabling the leakage and tunneling of electrons. Charges accumulated at the interface (Fig. 9j–l) can break the potential barrier under a local strong electric field, thereby expanding the electron transition path and further dissipating the energy of the electromagnetic wave.

Figure 9. Off-axis electron holographic image of SiC@SiO₂ NFA. (a) TEM image of the longitudinal section of SiC@SiO₂ nanofibers and the corresponding (b-d) charge density images; (e) TEM image of the cross-section of the junction node and the corresponding (f-h) charge density images; (i) SiC@SiO₂ TEM images of nanofiber cross-sections and corresponding (j-l) charge density images.

SiC is an excellent dielectric loss electromagnetic wave absorbing material, while SiO₂ is an electromagnetic wave transmitting material. As shown in Fig. 10, this paper comprehensively studies the electromagnetic wave absorption mechanism of SiC@SiO₂ NFAs from the perspective of dielectric losses such as multiple reflections, conduction losses, defect-induced polarization, interface polarization, and dipole polarization. When electromagnetic waves are incident on the surface of SiC@SiO₂ nanofibers, the SiO₂ nanolayer can lock the electromagnetic waves to avoid being reflected, while the SiC core can effectively convert the electromagnetic energy into heat or electricity. These results indicate that the synergistic effect of SiC cores and SiO2 nanolayers in SiC@SiO₂ nanofibers enables the aerogels to exhibit excellent electromagnetic wave absorption properties.

Figure 10. Schematic diagram of the electromagnetic wave absorption mechanism of SiC@SiO₂ NFA.


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