EES Summary: Perovskite quantum dot solar cells
QQ Academic Group: 1092348845


Lead halide perovskite quantum dots (PQD), also known as perovskite nanocrystals, are considered as one of the most promising photovoltaic materials for solar cells due to their outstanding photoelectric properties and simple preparation process. It has made great progress in PQD solar cells (PQDSCs). In particular, the device efficiency increased from 10.77% to 17.39% (certified to be 16.6%) by fine control of PQD surface chemistry and PQDSCs device physical properties.

Recently, Zhang Xiaoliang et al. from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics reviewed the latest research progress of the novel PQDSCs and summarized various strategies adopted to improve the pv performance and stability of PQDSC in order to promote its commercial development.

The authors summarized various strategies to improve the performance of PQDSCs devices, including PQDSCs synthesis, composition engineering and surface chemistry. The working mode of PQDSCs devices is summarized, and the influence of device structure on the pv performance of PQDSCs is highlighted. In practical application, the stability of PQDSCs devices under different conditions was emphasized. Finally, the potential challenges and opportunities of PQDSCs are proposed to further promote the development of PQDSCs with higher photovoltaic performance and stability.

J. Chen, D. Jia, E.M. J. Johansson, A. Hagfeldt and X. Zhang, Emerging Perovskite Quantum Dot Solar Cells: Feasible Approaches to BoostPerformance, et al, Energy Environ. Sci., 2020, doi: 10.1039 /d0ee02900a

Source: Zhiguang Valley

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