Potential efficacy of nanase in the treatment of diabetes
QQ Academic Group: 1092348845


Nanase is a kind of nanomaterials with catalytic activity. Due to its better stability, simple preparation and low cost than traditional enzymes, nanase has attracted extensive attention in the fields of biological detection and disease treatment. Therefore, a series of new strategies for disease diagnosis and treatment based on the catalytic activity of nanase have emerged. However, there are few reports on the effects of nanase on metabolic homeostasis and related diseases. Haiyun Song, a researcher at the School of Public Health at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Chunhai Fan, an academician at the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, and Hui Wang, a professor at the School of Public Health, made the discovery

Fe3O4 NPs has ph-dependent double enzyme activity. Under the neutral pH condition, Fe3O4 NPs reflects the activity similar to Catalase and can remove ROS. In acidic conditions, Fe3O4 NPs exhibits activity similar to peroxidase, and can produce ROS. Hai-yun song, say chunhai fan and Chen Nan people found in the cooperative work before enter the cells of Fe3O4 NPs most positioning in the cytoplasm of neutral, thus the cleaning functions of ROS in the overall level of the cells and the cell protection, and in animal models show the anti-aging and alleviate the effect of neurodegenerative disease symptoms (Advanced Materials, 2016). In this work, the researchers found that a small number of Fe3O4 NPs localized in lysosomes can locally produce ROS at a near physiological level in cells. Due to the presence of Fe3O4 NPs in the cytoplasm, this does not affect the overall ROS level of cells, but can trigger the activation of AMPK in lysosomal membrane and enhance glucose uptake in various metabolically active cells and insulin resistant cell models.

Diabetes is a chronic noncommunicable metabolic disease characterized by high blood sugar and is considered one of the greatest global health crises of the 21st century. Improving the ability of insulin-resistant cells to absorb glucose is one of the most important strategies for developing diabetes drugs. Based on their findings at the cellular level, the researchers further examined the role of ferric oxide nanoparticles in regulating glucose metabolism in diabetic disease models. The results showed that dietary Fe3O4 NPs showed therapeutic effects on hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia in diabetic drosophila models caused by genetic factors or hyperglycemia diet. More importantly, injecting Fe3O4 NPs into a mouse model of type 2 diabetes stimulated AMPK activity in metabolic tissues, reduced blood glucose levels, and improved glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in mice. This study shows that Fe3O4 NPs has intrinsic organelles specificity in AMPK activation, glycemic control, and insulin resistance improvement, revealing its potential efficacy in diabetes therapy.

Diabetes is a chronic noncommunicable metabolic disease characterized by high blood sugar and is considered one of the greatest global health crises of the 21st century. Improving the ability of insulin-resistant cells to absorb glucose is one of the most important strategies for developing diabetes drugs. Based on their findings at the cellular level, the researchers further examined the role of ferric oxide nanoparticles in regulating glucose metabolism in diabetic disease models. The results showed that dietary Fe3O4 NPs showed therapeutic effects on hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia in diabetic drosophila models caused by genetic factors or hyperglycemia diet. More importantly, injecting Fe3O4 NPs into a mouse model of type 2 diabetes stimulated AMPK activity in metabolic tissues, reduced blood glucose levels, and improved glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in mice. This study shows that Fe3O4 NPs has intrinsic organelles specificity in AMPK activation, glycemic control, and insulin resistance improvement, revealing its potential efficacy in diabetes therapy.

Effect and mechanism of Ferric oxide nanoparticles in animal model of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

The results were published on October 5 at Advanced Materials. Research assistants Yanfeng Zhou, PhD students Sing Liu and Yun Yu are co-lead authors of the paper.

The original:

An Organelle-Specific Nanozyme for Diabetes Care in Genetically or Diet-Induced Models

Yanfeng Zhou, Chang Liu, Yun Yu, Min Yin, Jinli Sun, Jing Huang, Nan Chen, Hui Wang, Chunhai Fan, Haiyun Song

Adv. Mater., 2020, DOI: 10.1002/ Adma.202003708

Source: X a mole of information

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