Summary: Selected research results of Academician Jiang Lei and his team
QQ Academic Group: 1092348845



Jiang Lei, born in Changchun, Jilin in March 1965, an inorganic chemist, an expert on nanomaterials, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a member of the Academy of Sciences in the developing countries, a foreign member of the National Academy of Engineering, a researcher and doctoral supervisor of the Institute of Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Dean of the School of Chemistry and Environment. In 1987, Jiang Lei graduated from Jilin University with a major in solid physics and stayed at the university to study a master‘s degree in physical chemistry. After obtaining a master‘s degree in 1990, he continued to study for a doctorate at the university. In 1992, he was sent to Tokyo, Japan, as a doctoral student jointly trained by Japan and Japan. Studying at university, under the guidance of international photochemical scientist Akira Fujishima; continued to do postdoctoral research at the University of Tokyo after obtaining a doctorate from Jilin University in 1994; entered the work of the Kanagawa Institute of Science and Technology of the Japan Science and Technology Agency in 1996; and received the Youth Special Award from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, and Science in 1998 Incentive fund, selected by the Chinese Academy of Sciences Hundred Talents Program in the same year; joined the Institute of Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1999; received funding from the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2001; concurrently served as chief scientist of the National Nanoscience Center in 2004; and concurrently in Chemistry and Environment of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 2008 Dean of the Academy; elected as a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2009; elected as a member of the Academy of Sciences of the Developing Countries in 2012; won the prize of the Third China International Nanoscience and Technology Conference in 2015; elected as a foreign member of the National Academy of Engineering in 2016; won the national innovation competition in 2017 .

He is mainly engaged in the preparation of biomimetic functional interface materials and the study of their physicochemical properties, revealing the relationship between the structure and properties of special wettable surfaces in nature, and proposed a "binary synergistic nano interface material" design system. In the preparation, characterization and properties research of super-parent / super-biphobic functional materials, the invention of template method, phase separation method, self-assembly method, electrospinning method and other practical superhydrophobic interface materials has been invented. method. A variety of bionic superhydrophobic interface materials with special functions were prepared.

In order to facilitate everyone to quickly preview the scientific research achievements of Academician Jiang Lei and his research team in recent years, the editors summarized the results publicized on the materials:

Research results:

Paper: High-Strength Janus 3D Porous Membrane Becomes Efficient Catcher of "Blue Energy"

The research team of Jiang Lei and Dr. Zhou Yahong of the Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have carried out a series of work on ion-salt differential power generation. Today, they cooperated with Professor Jiang Zhenhua‘s team of the Special Plastics Center of the College of Chemistry of Jilin University. A series of functional polyarylether ionic polymers with adjustable surface charge polarity / charge density were prepared through accurate molecular functional design. Based on this, the authors prepared a series of Janus three-dimensional nanoporous membranes, and used them to generate electricity with concentration difference as a "blue energy" nano converter. By mixing ionic solutions that simulate the concentration of seawater and river water, a power density of 2.66 W / m2 was achieved, and a high power density of 5.1 W / m2 was achieved at higher concentrations. The multi-membrane series can drive the calculator to work normally. This achievement was published online in Science Advances under the title "Unique Ion-Rectification in Hypersaline Environment: A High-Performance and Sustainable Power Generator System". (DOI: 10.1126 / sciadv.aau1665). The first author is Zhu Xuanbo, a PhD candidate at Jilin University.

In this work, the porosity and charge density of three-dimensional porous membranes were controlled through molecular control. The pore diameters of porous membranes were basically kept the same, and large-area preparation of a series of Janus membranes was achieved by simple methods. This series of membranes all show good ion selection and rectification performance. The high charge density breaks the limitation of concentration on rectification and avoids internal losses, which makes Janus membranes perform very well in energy-generating devices. Based on the stable molecular structure of polyarylether itself, Janus membrane also exhibits excellent stability. The multi-membrane series can drive the calculator to work normally.


Paper: Concept of "Quantum Confined Superfluid"

Academician Jiang Lei of the Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences defined the fast single-chain quantum transmission of ions and molecules in biological channels as "quantum-limited confined superfluids" and pointed out that the ordered superfluids of ions and molecules in confined channels were "quantum tunnels" "Through-fluid effect", the "tunneling distance" is consistent with the period of the quantum confined superfluid. Combining with the recent research results of this research group (Adv. Mater., 2016, 28, 3345-3350; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2017, 129, 5814-5818), the authors found that the bionic system also has quantum confined superfluids. Phenomenon, such as the rapid transport of substances in artificial ion channels and water channels (~ 106 ions per second). Finally, the author pointed out in the outlook that by introducing the concept of quantum confined superfluids into the field of chemistry, precise chemical synthesis will be triggered, that is, quantum organic, inorganic, and polymer reactions. Introduced into the field of biology, biochemistry, biophysics, bioinformatics, and biomedicine will generate quantum superfluids. On this basis, other new sciences and technologies will also be produced. The article was published in Science CHINA Materials under the title "Quantum-confined superfluidics: From nature to artificial".

Literature link: Quantum-confined superfluidics: From nature to artificial (Sci. China Mater., 2018, DOI: | 10.1007 / s40843-018-9289-2)

Paper: Solution Preparation of π-Conjugated Polymer / Graphene Composites for High Performance Field Effect Transistors

Academician Jiang Lei from the Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dr. Wu Yuchen, and associate professor Zhu Jia (co-corresponding author) from Beijing Normal University have published an article entitled "Solution Adsorption Formation of a π- Conjugated Polymer / Graphene Composite for High-Performance Field-Effect Transistors ". This article mainly introduces a method of constructing π-conjugated polymer / graphene composites, which can avoid the existing limitations and pattern the material into a one-dimensional array. Based on the π-conjugated system, the distance of π-π stacking between graphene and polymer can be reduced, thereby improving the charge transport performance. And due to the incorporation of graphene, the composites show thermal stability. It is generally believed that the construction of π-conjugated complexes shows that it is feasible to integrate organic molecules and two-dimensional materials into microstructure arrays by designing and manufacturing large-area, low-cost, high-efficiency functional devices.

Literature link: Solution Adsorption Formation of a π-Conjugated Polymer / Graphene Composite for High-Performance Field-Effect Transistors. (Adv. Mater., 2017, DOI: 10.1002 / adma.201705377)

Thesis: Macroscopic shape control for efficient bubble adhesion on superhydrophobic PMMA surfaces
Academician Jiang Lei (corresponding author) and Dr. Yu Cunming (corresponding author) and others on Adv. Funct. Mater. "The results of research on super-hydrophobic polymethyl methacrylate tablets of different shapes for bubble adhesion and degradation of methyl blue by loading ozone in an aqueous environment were published. Due to the poor solubility of ozone in water, it is not conducive to the purification of water by ozone. In this paper, the adhesion of microbubbles on superhydrophobic surfaces is used to achieve long stays of bubbles in the aqueous environment and degradation of organic dye pollutants Aspect has been well applied.

Literature link: Morphology-Control Strategy of the Superhydrophobic Poly (Methyl Methacrylate) Surface for Efficient Bubble Adhesion and Wastewater Remediation (Adv. Funct. Mater., 2017, DOI: 10.1002 / adfm.201702020)

Thesis: Bionic lotus leaf-Janus interface material combining super-hydrophilic surface with super-hydrophobic surface

Associate Professor Cao Moyuan of Tianjin University and Academician Jiang Lei (co-corresponding author) of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences reported on the topic "Improved Interfacial Floatability of Superhydrophobic / Superhydrophilic Janus Sheet Inspired by Lotus Leaf" in the journal Advanced Functional Materials. An asymmetric interface material with two-sided super-wetting properties. The author studied the lotus leaf and prepared a copper sheet with a superhydrophobic surface on the lower surface and a superhydrophilic copper surface on the lower surface. The author called it "Janus copper sheet" (that is, two-sided god copper sheet). This Janus copper sheet can be stably "fixed" at the air / water interface and exhibits stable interfacial floatability. Compared with super-hydrophobic substrates that can also float, Janus copper sheets not only can float, they can even adhere to the air / water interface as fixed; at the same time, they show on multi-phase interfaces such as hexane-water and CCl4-water. Similar properties. Janus copper sheet has significantly enhanced stability and anti-rotation characteristics. It can sail on the water like a ship, even in turbulent currents; it can withstand strong winds and even conquer "waterfalls". This discovery has found a new breakthrough for Janus interface materials, and also expanded the application range of amphoteric materials with super wettability.

Literature link: Improved Interfacial Floatability of Superhydrophobic / Superhydrophilic Janus Sheet Inspired by Lotus Leaf (Adv. Funct. Mater., 2017, DOI: 10.1002 / adfm.201701466)

Paper: Ultra-wet membranes for effective separation of ionic liquids / water

Academician Jiang Lei and Dr. Liu Hongliang (Communications) of the Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences published an article entitled "Membrane-Based Strategy for Efficient Ionic Liquids / Water Separation Assisted by Superwettability" on Advanced Functional Materials. Based on the intrinsic wetting threshold theory, the researchers prepared a porous membrane of a hydrophobic and super-ionic liquid (C4MImPF6) by regulating the free energy on the surface of the material to achieve the efficient separation of immiscible IL / water mixtures driven by gravity. For membrane separation technology, the two most important indicators are retention selectivity and separation flow rate. Taking a 600-mesh stainless steel mesh-based porous membrane as an example, the separation efficiency of the membrane from the mixed solution is greater than 98%, and the penetration of the ionic liquid The flow rate exceeds 1000Lm-2h-1.

Literature link: Membrane-Based Strategy for Efficient Ionic Liquids / Water Separation Assisted by Superwettability (Advanced Functional Materials, 2017, Doi: 10.1002 / adfm.201606544)

Paper: DNA-based bionic light-controlled ion transmission channel

Institute of Physics and Chemistry Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences & Academician Jiang Lei of Beihang University, Researcher Wen Liping and Kong XiangYu (co-corresponding author) of the Institute of Physics and Chemistry, etc. Light-controlled nanochannels for controlling ion transmission. Under the action of visible light and ultraviolet light, azobenzene undergoes interconversion between conformations, which realizes the light-controlled conversion of the contraction and relaxation of DNA, thereby opening and closing the channel. Therefore, Azo-DNA can be used as Preparation of control unit for light controlled valve. Azo-DNA channels can be opened under visible light (450nm) and then closed under ultraviolet (365nm) irradiation. Through the release experiments of fluorophore and sulfo-rhodamine B molecule, it was verified that this DNA nanochannel has the light-controlling molecular transmission performance. In addition to short response time and reversibility, the Azo-DNA nanochannel system also has good biocompatibility and multifunctional design, which can be used in light-controlled drug release, optical information storage, and logical networks.

Literature link: Light-Controlled Ion Transport through Biomimetic DNA-Based Channels (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, DOI: 10.1002 / anie.201609161)

Paper: In-situ separation of chemical reaction system based on special wettable PTFE membrane

Academician Jiang Lei, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and associate researcher Tian Ye (co-corresponding author) published an article entitled "In Situ Separation of Chemical Reaction Systems Based on a Special Wettable PTFE Membrane" in the journal Advanced Functional Materials. In this paper, the researchers provide continuous in situ separation of chemical reaction systems with large separation flux and high product purity by using uncoated PTFE microporous membranes with special wetting properties. Such membranes are highly hydrophobic in air / It is lipophilic, has super high hydrophilicity under water, and has good durability in harsh environments. For the first time, the process of product separation while synthesizing has been successfully achieved.

Literature link: In Situ Separation of Chemical Reaction Systems Based on a Special Wettable PTFE Membrane (Adv. Funct. Mater., 2017, DOI: 10.1002 / adfm.201703970)

Paper: "Slippery" Shaped Gradient Surface for Orientation and Continuous Transport of Bubbles in High Pressure Environments

Dr. Yu Cunming‘s research team from Academician Jiang Lei‘s team of Beihang University and Tianjin University‘s Cao Moyuan research team collaborated to prepare a slippery surface with a shape gradient by laser cutting, superhydrophobic nanoparticle modification, and fluorinated liquid infiltration. , To achieve the orientation and continuous transport of bubbles under high pressure environment. Related research papers have recently been published in the journal ACS Nano. The first author is Zhang Chunhui, an undergraduate in the School of Chemistry, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Literature link: Bioinspired Pressure-Tolerant Asymmetric Slippery Surface for Continuous Self-Transport of Gas Bubbles in Aqueous Environment. (ACS Nano, 2018, DOI: 10.1021 / acsnano.8b00192)

Paper: Biomimetic Synthesis of Peptide Gate Nanofilms for Flexible Molecular Transport

Institute of Physics and Chemistry Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academician Jiang Lei, Academician of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wen Liping, Professor Zhang Yuqi of Yan‘an University, Kong XiangYu (co-corresponding author) of Institute of Physics and Chemistry Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and others have made progress in controllable molecular transport. The peptide chain CGGC was introduced into the porous biofilm, and the peptide chain CGGC was subjected to the configuration change under the action of dithiothreitol (DTT) or oxygen to achieve the opening and closing of the channels, thereby constructing a controllable molecular transport system. The research results were published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition under the title "Biomimetic Peptide-Gated Nanoporous Membrane for On-Demand Molecule Transport".

Literature link: Biomimetic Peptide-Gated Nanoporous Membrane for On-Demand Molecule Transport (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, DOI: 10.1002 / anie.201708695)

Thesis: Anisotropic Porous Reduction Graphene Oxide Film Filled with Lubricating Liquid——Electric Drive Control of Conductive Drops

Beihang Academician Jiang Lei‘s research group Heng Liping (Associate Researcher) published a post on Adv. Funct. Mater. Entitled "Lubricant-Infused Anisotropic Porous Surface Design of Reduced Graphene Oxide Toward Electrically Driven Smart Control of Conductive Droplets‘ Motion". Conductive porous reduced graphene (rGO) membranes were prepared by injecting different lubricating bodies (conductive and non-conductive) into the substrate. Two new types of anisotropic membrane materials were prepared to study their anisotropic self-cleaning ability and droplet movement on the surface of the material. The influencing factors and mechanisms of electrical response fill the gap of mechanism research in this aspect.

Reference link: Lubricant-Infused Anisotropic Porous Surface Design of Reduced Graphene Oxide Toward Electrically Driven Smart Control of Conductive Droplets ’Motion (Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, DOI: 10.1002 / adfm.201606199)

Paper: CO2-driven artificial ion switch inspired by mosquito olfactory neurons

On October 27, 2016, the Advanced Materials website published an article entitled "An Artificial CO2-Driven Ionic Gate Inspired by Olfactory Sensory Neurons in Mosquitoes". This article was completed by researcher Wen Liping from Academician Jiang Lei‘s research team of the Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Professor Tian Wei of Northwestern Polytechnical University. The first author of the article is Shang Xiaomeng from Northwestern Polytechnical University and Xie Jianghua from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In this communication article, the researchers report a CO2-driven ion switch inspired by olfactory neurons, which is achieved by combining a single tapered nanochannel with a molecule that responds to CO2, APTE.

Researchers in this article report a CO2-driven ion switch inspired by olfactory neurons, which is achieved by modifying a single cone-shaped nanochannel to modify a molecule that responds to CO2, APTE. CO2 dissolves in water to form carbonate ions, and selectively binds to APTE to trigger and regulate ion switches. By adjusting the surface charge and wettability of the inner wall of the nanochannel, this ion switch can precisely control ion transport, with an ultra-high switching ratio of up to 1250.

Literature link: An Artificial CO2-Driven Ionic Gate Inspired by Olfactory Sensory Neurons in Mosquitoes (Advanced Materials, 2016, DOI: 10.1002 / adma.201603884)

Paper: One-Way Transport of Wetting Liquids on Bionic Surfaces

Inspired by the spontaneous one-way transport mechanism of liquid on the opening surface of Nepenthes pteroides, Li Chuxin and Li Ning (co-first authors), Dong Zhichao and Chen Huawei (co-corresponding author) of the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Under the guidance of Academician Lei, microcavity arrays with different surface energies were prepared using high-resolution stereolithography to simulate the surface morphology of the openings of Nepenthes. This kind of surface can realize unidirectional liquid transport without energy input, and liquids with different surface tension and viscosity can be transported unidirectionally on it. The authors also studied the mechanism of one-way transport, and successfully used this mechanism to make the liquid flow upward in the spiral.

Literature link: Uni-Directional Transportation on Peristome-Mimetic Surfaces for Completely Wetting Liquids (Angew. Chem. Int. Edit., 2016, DOI: 10.1002 / anie.201607514)

Published reviews:

Review: Nanochannel Infiltration and Applications

Academician Jiang Lei (corresponding author) and associate researcher Zhang Xiqi (first author) of the Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences published a review entitled "Wettability and Applications of Nanochannels" on Advanced Materials. In this review, the concept of "quantum confined superfluid" is first introduced, which can be used to understand ultrafast material transport and discontinuous fluid behavior in nanochannels. Then, the author systematically summarized the research on the infiltration properties of one-dimensional, two-dimensional, and three-dimensional nanochannels, respectively, from molecular simulation, liquid infiltration, external stimulus-regulated infiltration, melt and liquid infiltration limitation strategies, liquid transport, and limitation. The preparation and application of nanometer nanomaterials are discussed. In the final outlook of the review, the author points out that the concept of "quantum confined superfluid" can provide new ideas for explaining the behavior of discontinuous fluids in nanochannels, and will trigger a revolution in quantum confined chemistry.

Literature link: Wettability and Applications of Nanochannels (Adv. Mater. 2018, DOI: 10.1002 / adma.201804508)

Overview: Super Wetting System

Academician Jiang Lei (corresponding author) and others from Beihang University published a review article entitled "Nature-inspired superwettability systems" in Nature Reviews Materials. In this article, the author introduces the historical development of super-wetting systems in detail, summarizes the super-wetting states of various combinations in super-wetting systems, and also introduces the natural design principles of super-wetting materials. The super-wetting system can be extended from 2D surfaces to 0D nanoparticles, 1D fibers and channels, and 3D integrated materials. It also discusses new phenomena and the advantages of super-wetting systems for chemical reactions and material manufacturing, including emerging applications that utilize a single extreme wetting state or a combination and two extreme wetting states. Finally, future research directions are provided.

Literature link: Nature-inspired superwettability systems (Nat. Rev. Mater., 2017, DOI: 10.1038 / natrevmats. 2017.36)
Source: Material cattle

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