Natureheavy release : Top 10 scientific discoveries in 2020!
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Unconsciously, 2020 is the end of the year.

Looking back on this year, it was hard and bitter, but could not stop the pace of scientific development. In view of this, Nature magazine has selected the top ten scientific discoveries in 2020 for everyone to learn and communicate.

Note: 1. The ranking is in no particular order;

2. The last one is Nature’s most popular scientific discovery of the year.

1. Discover the violation of matter-antimatter symmetry

In the mirror world, antiparticles should behave the same as particles. But it turns out that leptons, neutrinos, electrons and their more exotic similar species may not follow this expected pattern.

On April 15, 2020, the T2K collaborative organization reported the possible discovery that lepton particles violate the particle-antiparticle mirror symmetry (also known as CP symmetry). This may be the first observation of matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe Sexual origin.

2. Discovered that the Montreal Agreement played an important role in the suspension of circulation trends in the southern hemisphere
In the mid-1980s, people discovered an ozone hole in the spring atmospheric ozone layer over Antarctica, revealing the threat posed by man-made ozone-depleting substances (ODS). The 1987 Montreal Agreement and its subsequent amendments banned the production and use of ozone-depleting substances. Over the years, the concentration of ozone-depleting substances in the atmosphere has been declining, and there have been preliminary signs of recovery of the ozone layer. On March 25, 2020, Antara Banerjee and others reported that the cyclic effect related to holes has been suspended since the recovery of ozone. This is the first person to officially attribute the cessation of circulation trends to the impact of the Montreal Agreement .

3. Discover the new characteristics of the social structure of agricultural communities
The most famous passage tomb in Ireland is the huge monument in Newgrange, which was built with complex engineering techniques to ensure that the tomb is raised at the end of the long stone passage on the shortest day of the year Illuminated by the sun. On June 17, 2020, Lara M. Cassidy and others reported the ancient DNA of human remains in this community, revealing the incidence of rare and accidental incest.

About 5,000 years ago, a man in the Newgrange Chamber of Commerce might be the offspring of an incestuous marriage. His parents were either siblings or parents and children. This research suggests that the elites associated with this magnificent monument may use incest as a way to maintain dynastic blood.

4. A breakthrough leap in the accuracy of ground remote sensing
The field of ground remote sensing is on the threshold of a fundamental leap: from focusing on overall landscape-scale measurement to having the potential to map the location and canopy size of each tree on a large regional or global scale. On October 14, 2020, Martin Brandt and others reported their analysis of high-resolution satellite images covering more than 1.3 million square kilometers of Western Sahara and the Sahel region of West Africa. They mapped the location and size of about 1.8 billion individual tree canopies, which shows that commercial satellites have been able to capture data on ground objects less than one square meter, so that this progress will promote our thinking, monitoring, and construction of global terrestrial ecosystems. Fundamental changes in models and management methods.

5. Breakthrough in HIV treatment technology

HIV can be lurking in virus reservoir cells with almost no transcription, so it is difficult to be detected by the immune system. On January 22, 2020,

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