
Academician Ren Yonghua Angew: How to screen different size nanoparticles?
QQ Academic Group: 1092348845


Author: Zhen Chen
Corresponding author: Vivian Wing-Wah Yam
Communication unit: University of Hong Kong

The development of well-defined nanopore size-selective membranes for precise separation of nano-sized substances is a difficult task. Recently, the team of Academician Ren Yonghua of the University of Hong Kong reported a composite membrane containing a highly oriented honeycomb two-dimensional (2D) supramolecular polymer supported on a polycarbonate filter membrane. This membrane can achieve accurate colloidal nanoparticles (NPs). Size selection screening.

Highlights of this article

Key Points 1. Due to the uniformly aligned nanocavities in the two-dimensional supramolecular polymer, the composite membrane exhibits high dimensional selectivity at a sub-nano-accuracy of cut-off size of approximately 4.0 nm. Theoretically, the types of particles that can be separated by this membrane are unlimited, such as quantum dots, precious metals and metal oxide NPs.

Point 2. The author further combines this supramolecular membrane with a filter, which not only improves the monochromatic emission of NPs and the potential for dimensional monodispersity, but also enables rapid removal of small magnetic NPs that are difficult to be captured by magnetic separators. Agents, thereby expanding their versatility in many applications.


Zhen Chen, and Vivian Wing-Wah Yaml *. Precise Size-Selective Sieving of NanoparticlesUsing a Highly Oriented Two-Dimensional SupramolecularPolymer. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2019
DOI: 10.1002 / anie.201913621

Source-WeChat public account: Nanoman

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